Social Groups
Final groups will be determined by interest area, age, skills, and abilities. The groups listed below offer an example of possible themes that can be explored. Specialty groups will be offered after school and on weekends. They will be 1.5-2 hours in length.

Game Night
Our Game Night group focuses on teaching the necessary skills required to be a good sport. From learning how to tolerate losing to being a good team player, this group will teach your child all the skills to have proper sportsmanship etiquette. Each session your child will learn various play skills through board games, motor movement activities, interactive Wii games, and more.
Crazy Scientists
This social group will teach your child higher level concepts including making hypotheses and critical thinking through fun and exciting science experiments. Each child will become a true scientist making predictions and testing their theories while incidentally working on academic skills (e.g., writing, reading and simple math), communication, and teamwork.
Teen Group
Our teen group focuses on facilitating social skills to promote successful interactions and developing friendships during the complex years of adolescence. Topics include initiating and maintaining conversations, staying on topic, bullying and peer pressure, appropriate use of  humour, safe use of electronic communicationÂ
Target Age: 13-15

Vocational Skills Training (Employment Skills)
Our Vocational Skills Training group is perfect for teens who are ready to begin looking for a job! This group includes two components, Behaviour Skills Training Sessions and Community Practice.Topics may include but not limited to:
Finding a Meaningful Job/Volunteer Opportunity
Creating a Resume & Cover Letter
The Importance of Personal Hygiene
Organization and Time Management
Problem Solving in the Workplace
Not seeing something that your child would be interested in? Contact us and share your ideas if other children are interested as well accommodations can be made.

Caregiver Coaching Group
Are you looking for opportunities to learn more about what Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is or how to incorporate Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) at home and in the community with your child? This solely parent/caregiver group provides parents and caregivers with strategies to build instructional control and arrange the environment for optimal success.
Is a Social Group Right for Your Child?
Prerequisites Required to be Successful in Group
Cooperate in a group setting without challenging behaviour (1:3 staff to child ratio)
- Can request wants/needs with simple words and/or sentences
Will participate in play activities with minimal assistance
Follows multiple instructions from adults without challenging behaviour
Can tolerate being near peers without challenging behaviour for extended period of time (1-2 hours)
Requires minimal assistance related to toiletting and eating (does not apply to Kindergarten Readiness group)